Smart locks have been around for decades, yet their popularity has gone through cycles of immense popularity and relative obscurity depending on the technology available at any given time. Over the years, advancements in technology have allowed for more secure and convenient solutions to protecting property, and this has resulted in the development of a wide range of smart lock products. In this a

Posted At: oct. 03, 2023 - 1,137 Visitas

Introduce History of Smart Lock Industry

Smart locks have been around for decades, yet their popularity has gone through cycles of immense popularity and relative obscurity depending on the technology available at any given time. Over the years, advancements in technology have allowed for more secure and convenient solutions to protecting property, and this has resulted in the development of a wide range of smart lock products. In this article, we’ll discuss how the technology has evolved over the years and how it is being used to solve everyday problems.


Early History of Smart Locks
Smart locks can trace their origins back to the early 1970s, when a variety of electronic locks were introduced to the market. These locks relied on an electrical current being sent to the lock in order for it to unlock. This technique, combined with other methods such as magnetic locks or bar-codes, allowed users to gain access with just a simple badge or code.


Whilst these early electronic locks were revolutionary at the time, they did have their shortcomings, such as their lack of security and the fact they could be tampered with. Slowly, improvements in technology helped to reduce these issues and, by the mid 1980s, smart locks had started to take a form which is more familiar to us today.

Modern Smart Lock Technology
Modern smart locks offer users a much greater level of security and convenience than traditional locks. For instance, they can be controlled remotely using a mobile phone, with functions such as being able to lock and unlock doors, grant and revoke access rights, and even monitor usage via a mobile app. This means you don’t have to physically be present in order to control your security system.

Another benefit of modern smart locks is that they can often utilise biometric scanners, such as fingerprint or face recognition, in order to authenticate access. This helps to make it almost impossible for an unauthorised person to gain access.

Smart locks are also increasingly being used in the home security market as a replacement for or supplement to traditional locks. Although they are somewhat more expensive than regular locks, this cost is slowly going down, making them a more viable option for homeowners who want the extra security offered by a smart lock.

The history of smart locks is a fascinating one, with a huge number of technological advancements having been made over the years in order to make the technology more accessible and convenient. It is clear that the technology is here to stay and is becoming increasingly popular as the cost of entry for a secure locking mechanism continues to drop. As technology continues to develop further, the possibilities for the smart lock industry are near limitless.

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